5 Ways to Improve Articulation During Your Job Interview

Recruitment Insights


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Good ideas and great strategies are ways to impress, and during a job interview, you may have to clearly share those in order for the interviewers to understand.

Here are five ways you can do that:

  1. Be Simple: Aim to be straightforward and avoid relying on complex words if unnecessary.

  2. Keep Concise: Find your main point and keep at it. Provide supporting facts and examples you can share.

  3. Take a Second Before Speaking: Avoid rambling on about a topic. Pause and give yourself a moment to collect your thoughts before providing an answer.

  4. Practice Good Body Language: Your words are matched by how well you confidently explain them. Observe your posture and tone, then try to maintain good eye contact with the interviewer.

  5. Listen to the Interviewer: Understanding your interviewer can go a long way in helping you craft a thoughtful response. 

Articulation is important in job interviews. Your interviewer is looking to understand your experience, skillset, and suitability for the role. Being able to properly communicate all these will help create a strong impression.


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